North Park Tavern LogoDuring these turbulent times, its good to be able to report the news of a new pub opening in Bootle. The North Park Tavern, situated on Stanly Road in Bootle, is due to open it's doors in June.

We contacted North Park Tavern owner, Jonathan Smallwood, for more details.

'I've never managed a bar, but I am a massive beer enthusiast, so I've decided to have a go and start my own bar, hopefully leaving behind a fairly colourful legal career...
I'm from the north end of the city, which aside from the likes of Crosby and Waterloo is not very well served in terms of craft beer and real ale, so I've decided to set up in the heart of Bootle, on Stanley Road near to the Strand Shopping Centre. 

The premises I've acquired is fairly small and might be regarded by some as a 'micro pub', albeit it will be split over 2 floors.

I'll be starting off simple, with 6 keg lines (with a good supply of craft beers from local breweries, Black Lodge, Top Rope, Neptune to name a few) and I'm hoping to be open for the 21st June when Covid rules are much more relaxed. Rest assured if it's a success I'll be putting cask on too.'

We wish Jonathan all the best with his new venture and look forward to reporting when the pub opens. 


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