Save the Roscoe Head PosterThe Roscoe Head, 24 Roscoe Street, Liverpool, L1 2SX

You will now all have heard that Carol Ross is in the process of re-negotiating her lease of The Roscoe Head PH with the current owner, Hawthorn Leisure (Mantle) Ltd, who are playing hardball to say the least.

Prior to a similar situation she had with Punch Taverns some time ago a group, supporting The Roscoe Head, submitted an application to Liverpool City Council for the pub to be listed as an “Asset of Community Value” (ACV). ACV’s where one of the products to come out of The Localism Act 2012.

The current ACV expires on 7 September 2020 and will need to be renewed. LiverpoolCC require 8 weeks to process the nomination which means the new application will need to be submitted by 13 July 2020 at the very latest.

What is needed to support the application are the names and addresses of at least 21 local Liverpool residents who would be willing to provide such details who preferably live in the L1 area and/or are regular visitors to the pub. Residents will also have to demonstrate that they are registered on the LiverpoolCC electoral register.

To support The Roscoe Head’s listing as an “Asset of Community Value” (ACV) you do not have to be a member of CAMRA.

Liverpool & Districts CAMRA Branch request that if you are willing to lend your support to the new application then forward your full name and full address, including post code, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An ACV will safeguard any property against being sold as per following details.

Community Right to Bid

The Community Right to Bid aims to keep valued land and buildings such as your local pub, shop, library or football ground in community use. It is important to nominate land and buildings to be part of a register of “Assets of Community Value”. If something on this register is offered for sale, you then have up to six months to prepare a bid to buy it, if and when they come onto the market. Once an asset has been listed nothing further will happen unless the owner decides to dispose of it.

What happens if the owner decides to sell a listed asset?

If the owner decides to sell the asset, the council will advertise it to the community to find out if there is local interest in bidding for the asset. If there is community interest the owner will not be allowed to sell for up to 6 months to allow for the community to develop a business plan and secure funding to purchase the asset at market value.

National planning policy recognises that an ACV listing should be a “material consideration” in planning decisions.

We are currently discussing, internally and with Carol, what other avenues to pursue. These will be posted on our Liverpool & Districts CAMRA Branch website and other social media forums as and when they are finalised. So keep an eye out for further announcements. I do hope you will be able to give your support.

Graham Murray April 2020
Liverpool CAMRA Pubs Preservation Officer 

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